About Texi Trini Fitness and the Founder Chaunee

Expert Guidance, Real Results, and Tailored Fitness Plans Just for You.
Expert Guidance, Real Results, and Tailored Fitness Plans Just for You.
Expert Guidance, Real Results, and Tailored Fitness Plans Just for You.
Expert Guidance, Real Results, and Tailored Fitness Plans Just for You.
Expert Guidance, Real Results, and Tailored Fitness Plans Just for You.
Expert Guidance, Real Results, and Tailored Fitness Plans Just for You.
Expert Guidance, Real Results, and Tailored Fitness Plans Just for You.
Expert Guidance, Real Results, and Tailored Fitness Plans Just for You.

Since I started my journey towards a healthier lifestyle, I wanted to formulate and design a framework based on my personal experience.  This my 3 step approach!


Engage in a session of prayer/meditation. This routine sets the emotional and mental tone for my day, fostering a sense of profound joy and contentment.


Any activity that encompasses movement of your body.  Whether it is taking the dog for a leisurely walk, engaging in a light jog, weight lifting or swimming, just do it.


Your dietary choices serve as the fuel your body needs for effective workouts and crucial recovery after exercise.  Also, STAY HYDRATED! 

Here is my 3 step framework for healthy living.

I'm Chaunee

More about my story

  1. Elevate
  2. exercise 
  3. eat 

I married young, following my husband's dreams to the United States. But loneliness and a failed marriage led to weight gain and self-doubt. Through a challenging breakup and hurtful comments, I found the courage to take charge of my life.
I began my transformation by joining a gym, committing to a healthier lifestyle, and cutting ties with negative influences. With the guidance of a personal trainer, I embraced exercise and nutritious eating. Each pound lost brought newfound confidence and independence.
As I navigated the gym on my own, I delved deeper into fitness, discovering a passion for self-improvement. By the end of six months, I had not only shed 30 pounds but also gained self-assurance and inner strength.
Attending a social event months later, I stunned former critics with my transformation. Their admiration was a testament to my journey from self-doubt to self-love. Now, I stand tall, inspiring others to embrace their worth and pursue their dreams.

Read my transformation story from weight gain to mentally and physically healthy...

My Story

09. what is your biggest strength in being visible online?

Motivating and helping other women achieve their fitness goals.   

a. Facebook 
b. Twitter
c. Instagram
d. YouTube

08. What is your favorite social platform?

a. Scotland 
b. Switzerland
c. Paris
d. Russia

07. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?

Pray, meditate, drink my hot water, lemon and ginger, then hit the gym

06. what is your favorite morning routine?

a. Margarita 
b. Vpdka, soda, lemon and a splash of bitters
c. Cosmopolitan
d. Champagne

05. Drink of choice

The Power of Position Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale

04. What is one of your favorite books?

a. Target
b. Amazon Online
c. Banana Republic
d. American Eagle

03. what is your favorite store to go shopping?

Black coffee with a scoop of  collagen

02. How do you take your coffee?

a. Ugly Betty
b. Stranger Things
c. Ballers
d. All of the above

01. what is currently on Your Netflix watch list?

Quiz Me

Prioritizing one's holistic well-being with dignity and consideration while establishing boundaries that deter judgment and comparison during the fitness journey



Creating a nurturing atmosphere to remain committed to all health and fitness pursuits through challenges that may present itself



Cultivating a community built on trust and support fostering an authentic and positive atmosphere to pursue health and fitness goals



The Values I Live By...

...she knows what she is about and holds you accountable...Giselle S

I remember I had a function to attend in Dallas and we had a workout session...she knows her stuff...Melissa G 

Good motivational tips...Kelli G

Good motivaltional tips...Kelli G

Chaunee has really inspired me with her words of motivation and her easy and effective weight loss techniques...trust me give her a try and you will not regret it...Christa a.k.a. baby shakes

Graphic Designer of Name

Raving Client-Two

Chaunee gives you 100% of her time and attention and her method works...She is my coach for life...One thing she says that stays with me is, "Pris you didn't gain weight overnight so don't expect to lose it overnight!"...Pris Lyn

Owner of Name

Raving Client-Three

Results oriented...quick to find solutions and willing to work with you and go the extra mile...what a talent...I recommend Chaunee...Diana Perez

What they're saying

Delicious meal plans designed specifically not for just losing weight, but also to maintain!


Personalized workouts specific to your fitness goals!


I provide one on one weekly meetings, and checkings.  I am always here for you!


ways to work with me


Sign up to download!

Get this awesome freebie to kickstart your weight loss journey.  This is what you want and I got your back! Weight-loss should NOT have to seem daunting...remember it is a LIFESTYLE.



Watch the youtube videos 










How to Make Healthy Choices When Eating Out: Tips and Tricks

Elevate, exercise, eat & enjoy - a comprehensive framework toward a healthier lifestyle

From self-doubt to self-love: How I lost 30 pounds and gained confidence