Hello and a warm welcome to the Texi Trini Fitness Blog! I'm Chaunee, your dedicated health and fitness coach. My mission is to empower women in their 40s on their transformative fitness journey. Whether you're aiming to lose weight or embrace a healthier lifestyle, my personalized coaching is tailored to meet your unique needs.

Fit at Forty: Unlock Your Best Health and Confidence!

Expert Guidance, Real Results, and Tailored Fitness Plans Just for You.
Expert Guidance, Real Results, and Tailored Fitness Plans Just for You.
Expert Guidance, Real Results, and Tailored Fitness Plans Just for You.
Expert Guidance, Real Results, and Tailored Fitness Plans Just for You.
Expert Guidance, Real Results, and Tailored Fitness Plans Just for You.
Expert Guidance, Real Results, and Tailored Fitness Plans Just for You.
Expert Guidance, Real Results, and Tailored Fitness Plans Just for You.
Expert Guidance, Real Results, and Tailored Fitness Plans Just for You.

With a keen focus and dedication to custom fitness coaching, I cater specifically to women in their fabulous 40s.

You feel stuck in your work-from-home routine.

Finding motivation for weight loss is a struggle.

Fitting workouts into your busy schedule seems impossible.

You are dissatisfied with your appearance and eager to shed some pounds.

Managing cravings while working remotely is challenging.

There has been an increase in binge eating since working from home.

You have hit a plateau and are close to losing hope on your fitness journey.

sound like you? 

I'm committed to helping you navigate the challenges and changes of this complex life stage, guiding you toward your personal health and wellness goals.

Whether it's about managing stress, improving muscle tone, enhancing energy levels or simply seeking a better overall quality of life, I design bespoke fitness programs that resonate with your personal aspirations and lifestyle needs. By creating a supportive and motivating environment, together we will embark on a journey that not only transforms your body but also uplifts your spirit and strengthens your resolve to lead a healthier, more balanced life.

it's about embracing the emotional aspects tied to your goals. I am devoted to harmonizing your mind, body, and soul to collaboratively transform your lifestyle for long-term, sustainable success.

In essence, it's not just about the exercise routine—it's a holistic approach tailored to empower you in your 40s to flourish physically, mentally, and emotionally on your path to wellness. Trust in this personalized journey as I am committed to being your steadfast ally in achieving the vitality and vigor you deserve.

My approach to coaching extends beyond physical transformation;










Make smart food choices that serve as fuel for your body.


Engage in prayer, meditation, or journaling to prepare spiritually and mentally for the day.


Incorporate movement into your daily routine in any way possible.


Now, the focus shifts to YOU. I will assist you in transforming your lifestyle to become more active, healthy, and free from stress.

Together, we will address:

Goal Setting

Customized Fitness Planning

Diet and Nutritional Advice

Mindfulness and Motivation

Progress Tracking

  • Weekly coaching calls
  • Work-out tips 
  • Meal ideas
  • Q & A

This is a lifestyle journey where you are gradually going to reach your weight-loss goals by digging deep within yourself and viewing food differently.  This is not going to be one of those "lose weight quickly programs" but one that will foster healthy eating, making good choices, while losing weight in a healthy manner.

Ain't nobody got time to count Macros or weigh  food.....

Kick-Start Your Simplistic Weight-Loss

  • I post regular workouts for you 
  • Designed to target a different body parts daily
  • We focus on correct form first
  • Then we move on to PROGRESSIVE OVERLOAD

Yes, I know how intimidating it is especially when you are a newbie, and walk into the gym and don't know what to do so you run to the cardio machines...Don't worry, half the gym folks in there don't know what they are doing.  Also, guess what? No one is watching you so don't sweat it.  

Don't get overwhelmed, I prepare  workout routines for you!


  • Nutritional meals
  • Budget friendly 
  • Personalized approach

I am passionate about helping clients create nutritious meal plans.  We will dive into the realm of healthy eating and meal preparation.  I am here to guide clients towards a simple sustainable approach to healthy eating. 

Who says eating healthily has to be boring?


...she knows what she is about and holds you accountable...Giselle S

I remember I had a function to attend in Dallas and we had a workout session...she knows her stuff...Melissa G 

Good motivational tips...Kelli G

Good motivaltional tips...Kelli G

Chaunee has really inspired me with her words of motivation and her easy and effective weight loss techniques...trust me give her a try and you will not regret it...Christa a.k.a. baby shakes

Graphic Designer of Name

Raving Client-Two

Chaunee gives you 100% of her time and attention and her method works...She is my coach for life...One thing she says that stays with me is, "Pris you didn't gain weight overnight so don't expect to lose it overnight!"...Pris Lyn

Owner of Name

Raving Client-Three

Results oriented...quick to find solutions and willing to work with you and go the extra mile...what a talent...I recommend Chaunee...Diana Perez

What they're saying

The Process

Once you have your contract signed and invoice paid, I will immediately get started on your blogs branding by first creating a moodboard.


After we have a call. I will then send you over all the infomration you need including the pricing and contract for blog coaching or website design.

Send Proposal

Interested in possibly working together for blog coaching or website design? Book a free consult with me here OR scroll down to fill out an application.

Book a Call

Married young, I followed my husband to the U.S., settling in Florida. Lonely and unhappy, I divorced in 2007. Working at a car dealership, I gained weight and battled depression while trying to make another relationship work. Two failed relationships later, coupled with challenges of mental health, and body image issues, I recognized the pressing need for a substantial change.

One particular morning, an inner voice urged me to seize control. Joining a gym, I committed to three months of rigorous training. The journey was tough, but I lost 30 pounds, embracing a healthier lifestyle. The departure of my trainer marked a fresh chapter that I was about to embark on. I delved deeper into fitness, finding solace and sanctuary within the walls of the gym.



Want to meet face to face to see how I can help you? 

Book a Call Instead...